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+44 (0)20 7240 7700 [email protected]

5th Floor, 110 High Holborn, London, WC1V 6JS 119 W. 24th Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10011

More about Slumsoccer

Over the past decade, Slum Soccer has being using the sport of football to achieve social inclusion. The demographics that we work with include; slum dwellers , recovering drug addicts, alcoholics and children of commercial sex workers, etc who are often so far removed from mainstream society that it becomes imperative for us to try and reintegrate them into the fold as a first step to their rehabilitation.

We believe that we have managed to do this to a large extent and as a result this group of once marginalized individuals are a have with us a large, capable and motivated human resource pool. In order to ensure that this rehabilitation is sustainable, the last couple of years have we have evolved our seen us evolve our focus from just social inclusion to employability. Working with our international partners, we have developed our football based curriculum; ‘the Slum Soccer Way’; to ensure that our participants will be in a position to make full use of the opportunities that comes their way. Slum Soccer is also actively working with corporate entities and organizations to identify profiles where our participants might be a good fit for future employment.

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Krida Vikas Sanstha / India / Football (Soccer)