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More about STAR Program

After 20 years of conflict between the Lord’s Resistance Army and the Ugandan government, northern Uganda continues to rebuild their communities. Gainline Africa recognizes that rebuilding takes time and the need for social programs in the north is great. Youth face many challenges in the region such as a damaged educational system, lack of access to community activities and high unemployment. Idleness is rampant among youth that have failed to enter school and/or have failed to secure consistent employment.

The STAR Program looks to involve youth at all levels of the community through participation in rugby, community volunteer activities and continuous academic monitoring. Students involved in their school Rugby Club participate in STAR and give back to the community through volunteer activities such as planting trees, cleaning the school compound, and volunteering at a local hospital. Our STAR Program works in parallel to our Community Leaders Program, where local youth that are unemployed or enrolled in university are assigned as coaches at each school.

In Gulu, there are 7 Leaders and 8 volunteers. They visit their designated school twice per week to assist in rugby coaching, and volunteer activities. All leaders are initially trained through bi-annual in-class workshops and ongoing International Rugby Board online training.

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Gainline Africa / Uganda / Rugby Union