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More about Respectability

Respectability tackles a number of social issues including; anti-social behaviour, employability and disability awareness. It brings together two groups of vulnerable young people in Portsmouth; the participants and the disabled youngsters that attend the disability sport sessions. Those Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) and pre-NEET’s access a 30hour ASDAN accredited Disability and Sport Awareness Course that places participants in the ‘shoes’ of those who live with disability. The project identified a lack of disability sport provision and awareness in Portsmouth so as a result, set up an after-school club, the only programme in the city to provide a multiple disability sport provision that works hand in hand with para-sport National Governing Bodies (NGBs).

In gaining practical appreciation of life for those with disabilities, the participant’s perceptions are challenged and as a result they develop more tolerant attitudes. These at risk young people are then involved in practical delivery of multisport sessions to those with mixed and profound disabilities across the city. Building on the attitudinal changes developed on the ASDAN course, participants develop interpersonal and leadership skills through coaching these disability sport sessions. Transferable and key employment skills developed include patience, understanding, creativity and clarity of communication.
