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+44 (0)20 7240 7700 [email protected]

5th Floor, 110 High Holborn, London, WC1V 6JS 119 W. 24th Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10011

More about NDN Running Program

Childhood obesity is at a crisis level among the kids who live in our neighborhood, the Near West Side of Chicago. The number of kids who are significantly overweight or obese is staggering. Our goal is to use running as a way to get the kids in our neighborhood to become active and change their daily eating habits. Our program is unique in that we train the kids to run 5k races, and during training we also provide healthy lunches and snacks for them.

That way, as they begin to see the benefits of physical activity, they also begin to learn that eating healthy is not only good for you but, it gives you increased energy. They also realize that healthy foods tastes good, which they often believe is not the case. Combining healthy eating with training is vital in combating the unhealthy behaviors adopted in our kids’ homes and the promoted by the many, nearby fast food restaurants and neighborhood stores.

Because of our program, the kids, many for the first time, see the benefits of being active as they train with the goal of running a 5k race. They see the changes in their bodies as they lose weight and experience the increased energy that comes with exercise and eating healthy.
