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More about Marilyn G. Rabb (MGR) Foundation

The MGR Foundation is a 501(c)3 public foundation committed to overcoming social and economic barriers and creating innovative programs that positively impact our communities. The Foundation was formed in 2001 to address some of the unique and deep-rooted problems that students face by creating direct service programs based on best practices that offer creative and innovative solutions on a community level.

The MGR Foundation was created as a manifestation of a simple ideal: to provide hope and support to the neediest groups and individuals in our communities through direct service, while emphasizing the human aspects of service and philanthropy. The individuals we have served include the lowest performing students, students on the path to becoming gang-members, the homeless, and others that are traditionally classified under the catchall "at-risk."

With the many social and economic barriers in our local communities, we made an early commitment to blaze a trail of active volunteerism and community development, constantly striving to inspire positive social change. What we found was that our programming had a host of positive effects in addition to the primary goals of bettering the lives of the students we serve. Alumni of MGR Foundation programming have demonstrated increased academic achievement, reduced gang involvement and truancy rates, and an increase in civic engagement.

The MGR Foundation addresses the overwhelming problems articulated above by empowering the youth of the community through meaningful programs in one of three focus areas: Health & Well-being; Arts, Education & Youth Development, and Volunteering & Community Development. For the purposes of Pittsburgh Public School’s Summer Middle-Grades Camp, we will be placing our emphasis on Arts, Education & Youth Development and specifically Murals: Violence Prevention through the Arts.

Marilyn G. Rabb (MGR) Foundation around the web
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