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John McEnroe Welcomes New York Teenagers At Wimbledon For Exchange Of A Lifetime

Six teenagers from New York were welcomed to Wimbledon by the UK’s largest tennis charity, the Tennis Foundation, as part of their first ever tennis exchange programme. The under 16s were also met by fellow New Yorker and tennis legend John McEnroe in the first week of the Championships.

The arrival of the teens marks the first leg of a new British/American exchange programme as part of the Tennis Foundation’s SERVES programme; a partnership between UK based Tennis Foundation and the City Parks Foundation in the USA. The programme is the first of its kind in the UK and aims to inspire children to take part in tennis and give opportunities to those from under-resourced families, providing support for communities in New York and London.

This trip will be reciprocated in August when six British children from the North London Muslim Community Centre (NLMCC) will fly to New York for the US Open.

During their stay, the kids have seen the sights of London and went head to head in a Davis-Cup style tournament against local players at the Bromley Tennis Centre on Saturday.   

Mike Silverman, Director of Sports for the City Parks Foundation in New York, said: “We're so fortunate that New York and London host Grand Slam tournaments, which we can leverage to inspire the kids who have taken up tennis in our cities. The Tennis Foundation’s support now provides an added social, educational and cultural experience for some of our kids who would never have this opportunity. You gave these young men a truly unique experience, on and off the court, that they will never forget.   All kids need to dream and set goals, I have a feeling now these kids will dream bigger!” 

Geoff Newton, Executive Director of the Tennis Foundation, added: “We’re thrilled to have struck up this partnership with the City Parks Foundation as we both have the same goal of bringing all the health and social benefits of playing tennis to as many people as we can, whatever their ability or background. I know the group from NLMCC can’t wait to get out to New York and we hope they have the trip of a lifetime that gives them a lifelong passion for the sport.”


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