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+44 (0)20 7240 7700 [email protected]

5th Floor, 110 High Holborn, London, WC1V 6JS 119 W. 24th Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10011

More about Sporting Chances

Our project aims to tackle the social issues related to the disengagement from education among young people (14-18 year olds). The implications of disengagement amongst young people are many and can include poor labour market opportunities, and the risk of not being in employment, education or training (NEET). There are other associated social issues such as the increased risk of anti-social behaviour and teenage pregnancy. Those at most risk of disengagement may come from areas of deprivation and our project aims to reengage with young people in such areas at risk of disengaging or those already formally classified as NEET.

Our project offers an exciting and stimulating opportunity for young people and by using sport as our education tool we can successfully reengage with the educationally disengaged and offer a unique experience for young people which propels them forward on a planned educational pathway. Our programs bring to life the power of education taught within an interactive learning environment, where learning takes place through application of theory; learners can express themselves within the freedom of sport. Through having an official qualification, our learners receive a rewarding education experience; this is in contrast to the many ‘education’ programs currently being offered to learners where traditional schooling is simply not appropriate for them. Due to the current changes regarding the way in which UK qualifications are awarded, we are able to offer bite size learning meaning a more relevant/enriched learning experience.

By creating bespoke education content that uses professional sporting facilities and results in official qualifications we are able to engage non-traditional learners in a way that is unique to their situation. The programs will deliver two core objectives, one will reflect the skills, dedication and sacrifices that it takes to train as a professional athlete and the other will use sport as a means to develop main stream skills such as confidence, professionalism and communication skills. Overall both pathways will give learners bite size learning experience of what it is to be a professional athlete. Our programs are to be designed in consultation Edexcel and with Middlesex University, and as such, will allow for progression from Entry to Level 4 (QCF) and onto Higher Education within specialist sporting subjects.

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Sporting Chances / United Kingdom / Multiple sports